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Payment Links

A Payment link is an electronic way for the consumer to make a payment. It is an alternative to an invoice. Once generated, you can share it as a link, as an embedded button, or send it through email or text to the customer.

  1. Visit the Payment Links page.
  2. Click the Generate New Link button located on the right-top of the page.
  3. Fill in the Basic Info.
  4. Click Generate and Save. A Payment Link popup will appear providing the available options to share the generated link, which can be: copy the link, send by email, send by text message, or copy as a button.

  1. Visit the Payment Links page.
  2. From the list, click the share icon  Copy  that is right after the Payment Link column; or the ellipsis button located on the right of each row. A Payment Link popup will appear providing the available options to share the generated link, which can be: copy the link, send by email, send by text message, or copy as a button.

  1. Visit the Payment Links page.
  2. Click the Ellipsis button located on the right of each row.
  3. Select the option that best applies to your needs.